Cost for Teeth Whitening

Ballpark estimate: $300 to $800 for a session at a dental office (some people will need multiple visits) Less expensive DIY options also exist Your smile...

Cost for Acupuncture

Ballpark estimate: $50-$250+ per session If you’re looking for a natural way to address medical concerns or pain, investing in the cost of acupuncture sessions...

Cost for a Hospital Bed

Ballpark estimate: $500 to $5,000+ Perhaps you’re recovering at home from an illness, injury, or surgical procedure and will be laid up in bed for an...

Cost for a Mobility Scooter

Ballpark estimate: $1,000 to $2,500 for a reliable model (higher and lower options exist) If you’re having difficulty getting around on your own, you may...

The Cost for a Chiropractic Session

Ballpark estimate: $35 to $200 per visit, depending on where you live If you suffer from pain in your neck or back, or if...

Cost of an Apple Watch

Ballpark estimate: $299 to $17,000 If you pride yourself on being up on all things tech, and Apple is your brand of choice, chances are...